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Last active June 23, 2022 04:17
findCorrelation in python
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def find_correlation(df, thresh=0.9):
Given a numeric pd.DataFrame, this will find highly correlated features,
and return a list of features to remove
- df : pd.DataFrame
- thresh : correlation threshold, will remove one of pairs of features with
a correlation greater than this value
corrMatrix = df.corr()
corrMatrix.loc[:,:] = np.tril(corrMatrix, k=-1)
already_in = set()
result = []
for col in corrMatrix:
perfect_corr = corrMatrix[col][corrMatrix[col] > thresh].index.tolist()
if perfect_corr and col not in already_in:
select_nested = [f[1:] for f in result]
select_flat = [i for j in select_nested for i in j]
return select_flat
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rathdebi commented Jan 9, 2019

hey Hi ,

Nice to see. this it was useful. ''
This will be for only numerical columns.
How to do it for categorical columns?

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Here is a website that I often refer to, for categorical columns and ways to change them:

Hope that helps.

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Very specific and useful, thanks!

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