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a advanced zoombox.

  • Reposition on window resize
  • Full resolution for images
  • support for caption
  • support for scrolling
  • support for thumbs


npm install --save-dev vue-zoombox

or include build/bundle.js.


# in your component
  "zoombox": require("vue-zoombox")
# or, when using bundle.js
  "zoombox": window.vueComps.zoombox
<zoombox src="./path/to/img" thumb="./path/to/thumb">
  <span>A caption</span>
  <span slot="loading">loading...</span>
  <span slot="opened">Will be shown besides the image when opened</span>

see dev/ for examples.


Name type default description
src String - (required) path to image.
thumb String - path to thumb
delay Number 3000 Only if thumb is given, delays loading of the image, in ms. 0 to disable auto load of image.
opacity Number 0.5 opacity of the overlay
max-scale Number Number.MAX_VALUE maximal zoom factor
allow-scroll Boolean false will not close on scroll
disable-scroll Boolean false will disable scrolling
is-opened Boolean false (two-way) set to open / close
transition String "zoombox" name of a vue transition. Detailed description
caption-transition String "zoomboxCaption" name of a vue transition. Detailed description

if thumb is given the image is loaded after delay or on mouseenter.
If the image isn't loaded on click, the slot loading is displayed.


Name description
before-enter will be called before open animation
after-enter will be called when opened
before-leave will be called before close animation
after-leave will be called when closed
thumb-loaded will be called when thumb is ready
image-loaded will be called when image is ready
toggled(isOpened:Boolean) emitted when gets opened or closed. Alternative to use two-way is-opened prop


You can provide a vue transition like this:

  // your transition
// or in the instance:
transitions: {
  fade: {
    // your transition
// usage:
template: "<zoombox transition='fade'></zoombox>"

You can access several properties in your hooks:

enter: function(el,cb) {
  self = this
    self.imgScale // scale to get the small image size
    self.scale // multiply with imgScale to get the big image size
    // target top and left positions for big image size
    // starting position for top and left are 0

Example from dev/basic.vue

Velocity = require("velocity-animate")

    css: false
    enter: (el,done) ->
      Velocity.hook(el, "scale", @imgScale)
      @$nextTick =>
        Velocity el, {scale:@imgScale*@scale,,left:@relPos.left}, {
          duration: 1000,
          queue: false,
          ease: "easeOutQuad",
          complete: done
    leave: (el,done) ->
      Velocity.hook(el, "scale", @imgScale*@scale)
      Velocity el, {scale:@imgScale,top:0,left:0}, {
        duration: 1000,
        queue: false,
        ease: "easeOutQuad",
        complete: done


  • 1.0.2
    added opened slot
    little bugfix with lineheight

  • 1.0.1
    close overlay on destroy
    changed container behavior to allow responsive images (#1)

  • 1.0.0
    removed support for other content (only images now)
    now using vue transitions
    events are renamed after vue transitions
    added support for thumbs
    added unit tests


Clone repository.

npm install
npm run dev

Browse to http://localhost:8080/.


Copyright (c) 2016 Paul Pflugradt Licensed under the MIT license.