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CARTO Data Services API

The CARTO Data Services SQL API

Deploy instructions

Steps to deploy a new Data Services API version :

  • Deploy new version of dataservices API to all servers
  • Update the server user using: ALTER EXTENSION cdb_dataservices_server UPDATE TO '<CURRENT_VERSION>';
  • Update the python dependencies if needed: cartodb_geocoder and heremaps
  • Add the needed config in the cdb_conf table:
    • redis_metadata_config and redis_metrics_conf
      • {"sentinel_host": "localhost", "sentinel_port": 26379, "sentinel_master_id": "mymaster", "timeout": 0.1, "redis_db": 5}
    • heremaps_conf
      • {"app_id": "APP_ID", "app_code": "APP_CODE"}
  • Deploy the client to all the servers with the new version
  • Deploy the editor with the new dataservices api version changed (
  • Execute the rails task to update first the CartoDB team organizaton to test in production
    • RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake cartodb:db:configure_geocoder_extension_for_organizations['team']
  • Check if all works perfectly for our team. If so, execute the rake tasks to update all the users and organizations:
    • RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake cartodb:db:configure_geocoder_extension_for_organizations['', true]
    • RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake cartodb:db:configure_geocoder_extension_for_non_org_users['', true]
  • Freeze the generated SQL file for the version. Eg. cdb_dataservices_server--0.0.1.sql

Local install instructions

  • install server and client extensions

    # in your workspace root path
    git clone
    cd dataservices-api
    cd client && sudo make install
    cd -
    cd server/extension && sudo make install
  • install python library

    # in dataservices-api repo root path:
    cd server/lib/python/cartodb_services && sudo pip install -r requirements.txt && sudo pip install . --upgrade

    CLOUD DEPLOY NOTE: we were not installing automatically requirements.txt, so we fixed it in . Please, be aware that in some corner cases scenarios, rolling back to a previous version might require to manually force-install some dependency versions that were upgraded previously in this step.

  • Create a database to hold all the server part and a user for it

    CREATE DATABASE dataservices_db ENCODING = 'UTF8' LC_COLLATE = 'en_US.UTF-8' LC_CTYPE = 'en_US.UTF-8';
    CREATE USER geocoder_api;
  • Install needed extensions in dataservices_db database

    psql -U postgres -d dataservices_db -c "BEGIN;CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS plproxy; COMMIT" -e
    psql -U postgres -d dataservices_db -c "BEGIN;CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS cdb_dataservices_server; COMMIT" -e
  • [optional] install internal geocoder

    • Make the extension available in postgres

      git clone
      cd data-services/geocoder/extension
      sudo make install
    • Make sure you have wget installed because is needed for the next step.

    • Go to geocoder folder and execute the geocoder_dowload_dumps script to download the internal geocoder data.

    • Once the data is downloaded, execute this command:

      geocoder_restore_dump postgres dataservices_db {DOWNLOADED_DUMPS_FOLDER}/*.sql
    • Now we have to make available the extension to be installed by postgres. Follow this instructions.

    • Now install the extension with:

      psql -U postgres -d dataservices_db -c "BEGIN;CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS cdb_geocoder; COMMIT" -e

Server configuration

Configuration for the different services must be stored in the server database using CDB_Conf_SetConf().

All the configuration inside brackets [] is optional

Redis configuration

If sentinel is used:

SELECT CDB_Conf_SetConf(
    '{"sentinel_host": "localhost", "sentinel_port": 26379, "sentinel_master_id": "mymaster", "timeout": 0.1, "redis_db": 5}'
SELECT CDB_Conf_SetConf(
    '{"sentinel_host": "localhost", "sentinel_port": 26379, "sentinel_master_id": "mymaster", "timeout": 0.1, "redis_db": 5}'

If sentinel is not used:

SELECT CDB_Conf_SetConf(
    '{"redis_host": "localhost", "redis_port": 6379, "sentinel_master_id": "", "timeout": 0.1, "redis_db": 5}'
SELECT CDB_Conf_SetConf(
    '{"redis_host": "localhost", "redis_port": 6379, "sentinel_master_id": "", "timeout": 0.1, "redis_db": 5}'


SELECT CDB_Conf_SetConf(
    '{"is_organization": false, "entity_name": "<YOUR_USERNAME>"}'

HERE configuration

SELECT CDB_Conf_SetConf(
    '{"geocoder": {"app_id": "here_geocoder_app_id", "app_code": "here_geocoder_app_code", "geocoder_cost_per_hit": "1"}, "isolines" : {"app_id": "here_isolines_app_id", "app_code": "here_geocoder_app_code"}}'

Use HERE apikeys

SELECT CDB_Conf_SetConf(
    '{"geocoder": {"app_id": "here_geocoder_app_id", "app_code": "here_geocoder_app_code", "apikey": "here_geocoder_apikey", "use_apikey": true, "geocoder_cost_per_hit": "1"}, "isolines" : {"app_id": "here_isolines_app_id", "app_code": "here_geocoder_app_code", "apikey": "here_geocoder_apikey", "use_apikey": true}}'

Mapzen configuration

SELECT CDB_Conf_SetConf(
    '{"routing": {"api_key": "valhalla_app_key", "monthly_quota": 999999}, "geocoder": {"api_key": "search_app_key", "monthly_quota": 999999}, "matrix": {"api_key": "[your_matrix_key]", "monthly_quota": 1500000}}'

Mapbox configuration

SELECT CDB_Conf_SetConf(
    '{"routing": {"api_keys": ["your_api_key"], "monthly_quota": 999999}, "geocoder": {"api_keys": ["your_api_key"], "monthly_quota": 999999}, "matrix": {"api_keys": ["your_api_key"], "monthly_quota": 1500000}}'

TomTom configuration

SELECT CDB_Conf_SetConf(
    '{"routing": {"api_keys": ["your_api_key"], "monthly_quota": 999999}, "geocoder": {"api_keys": ["your_api_key"], "monthly_quota": 999999}, "isolines": {"api_keys": ["your_api_key"], "monthly_quota": 1500000}}'
); configuration

SELECT CDB_Conf_SetConf(
    '{"geocoder": {"api_keys": ["your_api_key"], "monthly_quota": 999999}}'


SELECT CDB_Conf_SetConf(
    '{"geocoder_log_path": "/tmp/geocodings.log", "min_log_level": "LOG_LEVEL", "rollbar_api_key": "SERVER_SIDE_API_KEY", "log_file_path": "LOG_FILE_PATH"}'

Where LOG_LEVEL can be debug, info, warning or error.


The execution environment (development/staging/production) affects rollbar messages and other details. The production environment is used by default.

SELECT CDB_Conf_SetConf(
    '{"environment": "[development|staging|production]"}'

Server optional configuration

External services (Mapzen, Here) can have optional configuration, which is only needed for using non-standard services, such as on-premise installations. We can add the service parameters to an existing configuration like this:

# Here geocoder
SELECT CDB_Conf_SetConf(
    '{geocoder, service}',

# Here isolines
SELECT CDB_Conf_SetConf(
    '{isolines, service}',

# Mapzen geocoder
SELECT CDB_Conf_SetConf(
    '{geocoder, service}',

# Mapzen isochrones
SELECT CDB_Conf_SetConf(
    '{isochrones, service}',

# Mapzen isolines (matrix service)
SELECT CDB_Conf_SetConf(
    '{matrix, service}',

# Mapzen routing
SELECT CDB_Conf_SetConf(
    '{routing, service}',

User database configuration

Option 1 (manually)

User (client) databases need also some configuration so that the client extension can access the server:

SELECT CDB_Conf_SetConf('user_config', '{"is_organization": false, "entity_name": "<YOUR_USERNAME>"}');
Dataservices server

The geocoder_server_config (the name is not accurate for historical reasons) entry points to the dataservices server DB (you can use a specific database for the server or your same user's):

SELECT CDB_Conf_SetConf(
    '{ "connection_str": "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=<SERVER_DB_NAME> user=postgres"}'
Search path

The search path must be configured in order to be able to execute the functions without using the schema:

ALTER ROLE "<USER_ROLE>" SET search_path="$user", public, cartodb, cdb_dataservices_client;

Option 2 (from builder)

See the Configuring Dataservices documentation

Rate limits

See docs