- 支持动态加载配置文件
- 可变的配置文件位置
- 可直接配置成Java对象
- 可以根据键读值
- 支持链式调用,可以读取嵌套配置
- jdk >= 1.5
- 配置文件格式:json
File -> project structure -> Libraries
- First, new a Config object,
Config config = new Config();
- Second, load json configuration file,
- Third, invoke relevant API.
//get nested configuration
Config getConf(String key);
//get String value of key
String getString(String key);
//get int value of key
int getInt(String key);
//get float value of key
int getFloat(String key);
//get String array value of key
String[] getStringArray(String key)
//directly convert to a Java bean
<T> T toObj(Class<T> t);
public class Configuration {
private String host;
private int port;
private int maxMsgNumber;
private int maxMsgNumberPerSec;
//setters and getters
import conf.Config;
Config config = new Config();
//convert to Confihuration class
Configuration configuration = config.getConf("server").toObj(Configuration.class);
//get String value-"host"
String host = config.getConf("server").getString("host");
//get String Array
String[] result = config.getStringArray("strArray");