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Folders and files

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952c9ac · Feb 25, 2018


89 Commits
Feb 7, 2017
Feb 25, 2018
Oct 10, 2016
Feb 7, 2017
Feb 25, 2018
Feb 7, 2017
Oct 13, 2016
Feb 25, 2018
Oct 10, 2016
Nov 30, 2016
Feb 7, 2017
Dec 13, 2016
Feb 7, 2017

Repository files navigation


platform-ios carthage-compatible cocoapods-compatible swift-3.0 MIT

Use of value types is recommended and we define standard values, simple structured data, application state and etc. as struct or enum. Pencil makes us store these values more easily.



github "naru-jpn/Pencil"


pod 'pencil'

Swift Package Manager



Copy all *.swift files contained in Sources directory into your project.

Recommeded / Example

  • Application state such as tab index application selected at last time.
    • You can write Int value into file on device and read it.
  • Recently user inserted textfield value.
    • You can write String value into file named for each textfield and read it.
  • Structured data without any DB system.
    • You can write struct values into file on device and read it.


Standard values


// (create stored url)
guard let storedURL = Directory.Documents?.append(path: "") else {

let num: Int = 2016

// write
num.write(to: storedURL)

// ...

// read
let stored: Int? = Int.value(from: storedURL)


let text: String = "Pencil store value easily."
text.write(to: storedURL)

// ...

let stored: String? = String.value(from: storedURL)

Array (containing writable values)

let nums: [Int] = [2016, 11, 28]
nums.write(to: storedURL)

// ...

let stored: [Int]? = [Int].value(from: storedURL)

Dictionary (contaning writable values with string key)

let dictionary: [String: Int] = ["year": 2016, "month": 11, "day": 28]
dictionary.write(to: storedURL)

// ...

let stored: [String: Int]? = [String: Int].value(from: url)

Other standard writable and readable values are Set, Bool, Float, Double, Date, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, UInt, UInt8, UInt16, UInt32 and UInt64.


Define writable and readable enum

Type of raw value should conform ReadWriteElement and add ReadWriteElement for enum.

enum Sample: Int, ReadWriteElement {
  case one = 1
  case two = 2

write to file / read from file path

Read and write values by the same way with standard values.

let sample: Sample = .two
sample.write(to: storedURL)

// ...

let stored: Sample? = Sample.value(from: url)

Custom struct

Define writable and readable custom struct

  1. Define custom struct (named Sample in this case).
  2. Conform protocol CustomReadWriteElement.
  3. Implement function static func read and return Sample or nil.
  • Apply each parameters with parameter name.
struct Sample: CustomReadWriteElement {
  let dictionary: [String: Int]
  let array: [Int]?
  let identifier: String
  static func read(components: Components) -> Sample? {
    do {
      return try Sample(
        dictionary: components.component(for: "dictionary"),
        array:      components.component(for: "array"),
        identifier: components.component(for: "identifier")
    } catch {
      return nil

write to file / read from file path

Read and write values by the same way with standard values.

let sample: Sample = Sample(dictionary: ["one": 2, "two": 5], array: [2, 3], identifier: "abc123")
sample.write(to: storedURL)

// ...

let stored: Sample? = Sample.value(from: url)

Complex values containing custom struct

You can now write and read complex values containing custom struct.

let sample: Sample = Sample(dictionary: ["one": 2, "two": 5], array: [2, 3], identifier: "abc123")
let samples: [Samples] = [sample, sample, sample]
samples.write(to: storedURL)

// ...

let stored: [Sample]? = [Sample].value(from: url)

Read struct with default parameters

Define custom struct with default parameters. You need not to try if all properties have default values or optional.

struct Sample: CustomReadWriteElement {
    let dictionary: [String: Int]
    let array: [Int]?
    let identifier: String
    static func read(components: Components) -> Sample? {      
        return Sample(
            dictionary: components.component(for: "dictionary", defaultValue: ["default": 100]),
            array:      components.component(for: "array"),
            identifier: components.component(for: "identifier", defaultValue: "default")

Create stored file path

Pencil support to create file path using class Directory.

// Create path ~/Documents/
let url: URL? = Directory.Documents?.append(path: "")

Other directories are Applications, Demos, Documentation, Documents, AutosavedInformation, Caches and Downloads.




Pencil is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.