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0.17.0: Extra Rinse Cycle

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@marcelofabri marcelofabri released this 23 Mar 21:45

This release brings 8 new rules, as well as important bug fixes and improvements to existing ones.
We also temporarily disabled the cache when linting until some important cache-related issues are addressed in a future version.

  • variable_name rule (VariableNameRule) is now identifier_name
    (IdentifierNameRule) as it validates other identifiers as well.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Fix sorted_imports rule to sort ignoring case.
    Keith Smiley

  • Temporarily disable cache when linting. This will be re-enabled in a future
    version after important cache-related issues have been addressed.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Add implicitly_unwrapped_optional opt-in rule that warns against using
    implicitly unwrapped optionals, except cases when this IUO is an IBOutlet.
    Siarhei Fedartsou

  • Performance improvements to generic_type_name, redundant_nil_coalescing,
    mark, first_where and vertical_whitespace rules.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Add discarded_notification_center_observer rule that warns when the result
    of NotificationCenter.addObserver(forName:object:queue:using:) is not stored
    so it can be removed later.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Add notification_center_detachment rule that warns against an object
    removing itself from NotificationCenter in an unsafe location.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Accept AnyObject and NSObjectProtocol in class_delegate_protocol.
    Jon Shier

  • Add ignores_function_declarations and ignores_comments as options to
    Michael L. Welles

  • Add for_where rule that validates that where is used in a for loop
    instead of a single if expression inside the loop.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • unused_enumerated rule now warns when only the index is being used.
    You should use .indices instead of .enumerated() in this case.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Add ignores_case_statements as option to CyclomaticComplexityRule.
    Michael L. Welles

  • Add correctable redundant_discardable_let rule that warns when
    let _ = foo() is used to discard a result from a function instead of
    _ = foo().
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Accept global and local variables in implicit_getter rule.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Add --enabled (or -e) switch to the rules CLI command, to only display
    enabled rules.
    Natan Rolnik

  • Now nesting rule can be configured with a type and statement level.
    Hayashi Tatsuya

  • Add explicit_type_interface opt-in rule that validates that the properties
    have an explicit type interface.
    Kim de Vos

  • Add --lenient CLI option to lint command. Facilitates running a lint task
    that doesn't fail a pipeline of other tasks.

  • Add fatal_error_message opt-in rule that validates that fatalError() calls
    have a message.
    Kim de Vos

Bug Fixes
  • Fix crashes when accessing cached regular expressions when linting in
    JP Simard

  • Fix a false positive on large_tuple rule when using closures.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Fix force_unwrap false positive for bool negation.
    Aaron McTavish

  • Fix false positive and wrong correction on number_separator rule.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Retain closure parameter types when they are specified during autocorrect.
    Allen Zeng

  • Fix redundant_void_return matches if return type starts with Void~.
    Hayashi Tatsuya

  • Ignore unused_closure_parameter rule on closures that are called inline.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Disable valid_docs and missing_docs rules when running in Swift 2.3 or
    later as they have not been updated to work with those versions of Swift.
    Both rules are now opt-in because of this.
    JP Simard

  • Fix false positive on large_tuple rule when using generics inside a tuple.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Make ASTRule default implementation to navigate through the substructure
    even if its children are from a different kind. This fixes some violations not
    being reported in some contexts.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Reimplement switch_case_on_newline rule to be an ASTRule and be more
    reliable, fixing some false negatives and false positives.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Fix closure_end_indentation rule false positive when using single-line
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Fix todo rule messages when the comment is not on a new line.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Fix false negative on unused_closure_parameter rule.
    Hayashi Tatsuya

  • Fix checkstyle report format.
    Yuki Oya