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Vladimir Schneider edited this page Apr 10, 2020 · 51 revisions

Markdown Navigator plugin provides Markdown language support for IntelliJ IDEA, RubyMine, PhpStorm, WebStorm, PyCharm, AppCode, Android Studio and DataGrip.

You can download it on the JetBrains plugin page.

Previewing, syntax highlighting, basic editing functionality with link completions with split editor preview is available in the basic open source edition. Intended for mostly previewing and editing of markdown documents without full document format.

Advanced features used for creating and maintaining markdown documents such as refactoring, find usages, validation and document formatting are available in the Enhanced licensed version. 15-day free trial licenses are available from Markdown Navigator website.

The original aim of this plugin is to be able to generate a preview that it is as close as possible to how the page will look on GitHub but do it with more IntelliJ OpenAPI intelligence to make editing and maintaining markdown documents easier. Developing with pleasure is only half the job. Real projects need to be documented. This plugin extends the joy principle to the inevitable documentation tasks of the project.

The new flexmark-java markdown parser implementation allows user selectable target Markdown processors for making the preview, formatting and annotations reflect the idiosyncrasies of the target markdown processor.

Enhanced Features

Table of Contents

Troubleshooting Common Problems