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Working with NSOperationQueue

jballanc edited this page Nov 26, 2012 · 1 revision

When you're using NSOperationQueue, you don't want/have to deal with NSThread, the system creates and controls the threads for you. When you specify the number of concurrent operations (queue#maxConcurrentOperationCount = 4), the system will run 4 operations at the same time on 4 different "threads".

Let's say you want to run 4 different operations at the same time on the MainQueue. Unfortunately, this isn't possible. Since the MainQueue is not a concurrent queue, it only runs an operation per time.

puts NSOperationQueue.mainQueue.maxConcurrentOperationCount    # => 1

Instead here is how you can have multiple operations processing at once, step by step.

# we create our methods that represents an operation each. 
def thread1
  10.times { |i| NSLog("\t Thread1: #{i}") }

def thread2
  20.times { |i| NSLog("\t\t  Thread2: #{i}") }

def thread3
  30.times { |i| NSLog("\t\t\t   Thread3: #{i}") }

def viewDidLoad
  # we create an concurrent queue
  queue =
  # we set the max number of concurrent operations
  # default is as much as possible NSOperationQueueDefaultMaxConcurrentOperationCount, but you only need 3 :-)
  queue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 3 
  # we give the queue a name, just to trace them = "threads operation"

  # we create our operation
  operation1 = NSInvocationOperation.alloc.initWithTarget(self, selector: :thread1, object:nil)
  operation2 = NSInvocationOperation.alloc.initWithTarget(self, selector: :thread2, object:nil)
  operation3 = NSInvocationOperation.alloc.initWithTarget(self, selector: :thread3, object:nil)

  # if you're running as a script you should not uncomment this line, since you script runs on the mainQueue, you'll see nothing
  # but if you're running in a cocoa application, you will see the results.
  # and by the you don't really need it at all (SOLUTION 2)
  # NSOperationQueue.mainQueue.addOperationWithBlock(->{ 
  # })

# running as script you need to sleep, otherwise you script will not wait for the concurrent operations running in you queue
sleep 10.0


if you want the results of the operations to be executed on the mainQueue, you can do this:

# it may act differently if you run it as an application or a script
def thread1
  # heavy works…
  10.times do |i| 
     NSOperationQueue.mainQueue.addOperationWithBlock(lambda { NSLog("\t Thread1: #{i}") })

I hope it helps you to understand a little on how to use NSOperationQueue, if you want to learn more take a look into apple's Concurrency Programming Guide.

This page is derived from an excellent response to issue #160 by @seanlilmateus