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thmclrx thmclrx

A theme color extractor module for Node.js with ❤.

Now thmclrx is supporting Nodejs v4!


  • Minimum Differ Algorithm
  • Octree Algorithm


$ npm install thmclrx


There only three API in node.js now.

After version 0.2.0, we use a new memory pool for thmclrx.


octreeGet is to get the theme colors in an octree. The colors are unsertain but fidelity.

The function is like below:

var thmclrx = require("thmclrx");
thmclrx.octreeGet(file, [maxColors], [callback], [frameNumber]);
  • file: it could be a local filename, remote url or even an image buffer.
  • maxColors: count of max theme colors you want to extract. Defaults to 256;
  • callback: it should be like function(err, colors) {}. Defaults to an empty function;
  • frameNumber: the frame you want to extract. Usually used in gif. Defaults to 0.


mindiffGet is to get theme colors in minimum differ algorithm by passing a palette. The result theme colors are certainlly in your palette.

var thmclrx = require("thmclrx");
thmclrx.mindiffGet(file, [palette], [callback], [frameNumber]);
  • file: it could be a local filename, remote url or even an image buffer.
  • palette: palette is an array that in the struct of [ { r: .., g: .., b: .., }, { r: .., g: .., b: .. } ]. Default palette refers here.
  • callback: it should be like function(err, colors) {}. Defaults to an empty function;
  • frameNumber: the frame you want to extract. Usually used in gif. Defaults to 0.


Using octreeGet get the basic fidelity theme colors and then using mindiffGet to standardize the fidelity theme colors to a certain palette.

var thmclrx = require("thmclrx");
thmclrx.mixGet(file, [firstStepMaxColors], [palette], [callback], [frameNumber]);
  • file: same as the two functions above.
  • firstStepMaxColors: same as the maxColors in octreeGet. Defaults to 256.
  • palette: same as the palette in mindiffGet. Same default value.
  • callback: same as the two functions above.
  • frameNumber: same as the two functions above.


Clean memory pool in thmclrx C++ program.

var thmclrx = require("thmclrx");

Normally, you do not need to call it.


If you want to use C++ API directly, you can refer to this.


This function is called in octreeGet in node.js API.

var thmclrx = require("thmclrx/build/Release/thmclrx.node");
var colors = thmclrx.octreeGet(pixels, [maxColor]);
  • pixels: this is an array in the struct of [ { r: .., g: .., b: .., }, { r: .., g: .., b: .. } ].
  • maxColor: same as the maxColors in octreeGet of node.js API. Defaults to 256.
  • @return: this function will return the theme colors.


This function is called in mindiffGet in node.js API.

var thmclrx = require("thmclrx/build/Release/thmclrx.node");
var colors = thmclrx.mindifferGet(pixels, [palette]);
  • pixels: this may be same as the pixels in octreeGet of C++ API. Otherwise, it may be the result of octreeGet of C++ API.
  • palette: same as the palette in mindiffGet of node.js API. Same default value.
  • @return: this function will return the theme colors.


Clean memory pool.

var thmclrx = require("thmclrx/build/Release/thmclrx.node");

Normally, you do not need to call it.


You're welcome to fork and pull requests!