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How to use RBD volumes (pod fails to start with error "rbd: failed to modprobe rbd") #23924

jperville opened this issue Apr 6, 2016 · 27 comments
lifecycle/rotten Denotes an issue or PR that has aged beyond stale and will be auto-closed. priority/important-soon Must be staffed and worked on either currently, or very soon, ideally in time for the next release. sig/storage Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Storage.


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Hello kubernetes,

I am trying to follow the instructions from the rbd example. After successfully booting a ceph demo cluster (sudo ceph -s on the host displays HEALTH_OK) and manually creating a foo rdb volume formatted in ext4, I cannot start any pod that uses rdb volumes.

The rdb2 pod never starts, it stays in ContainerCreating state, as shown by kubectl get pod output below:

NAME                   READY     STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
k8s-etcd-     1/1       Running             0          49m
k8s-master-   4/4       Running             4          50m
k8s-proxy-    1/1       Running             0          49m
rbd2                   0/1       ContainerCreating   0          9m

I am using kubernetes 1.2.1 with docker 1.9.1 on ubuntu 14.04 amd64 host using the single-node docker cluster.

The output of kubectl describe pods rbd2 is the following:

Name:       rbd2
Namespace:  default
Start Time: Wed, 06 Apr 2016 18:38:22 +0200
Labels:     <none>
Status:     Pending
Controllers:    <none>
    Container ID:   
    Image:      nginx
    Image ID:       
    QoS Tier:
      cpu:      BestEffort
      memory:       BestEffort
    State:      Waiting
      Reason:       ContainerCreating
    Ready:      False
    Restart Count:  0
    Environment Variables:
  Type      Status
  Ready     False 
    Type:       RBD (a Rados Block Device mount on the host that shares a pod's lifetime)
    CephMonitors:   []
    RBDImage:       foo
    FSType:     ext4
    RBDPool:        rbd
    RadosUser:      admin
    Keyring:        /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring
    SecretRef:      &{ceph-secret}
    ReadOnly:       true
    Type:   Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
    SecretName: default-token-1ze78
  FirstSeen LastSeen    Count   From            SubobjectPath   Type        Reason      Message
  --------- --------    -----   ----            -------------   --------    ------      -------
  7m        7m      1   {default-scheduler }            Normal      Scheduled   Successfully assigned rbd2 to
  7m        7s      33  {kubelet}         Warning     FailedMount Unable to mount volumes for pod "rbd2_default(fa59e744-fc15-11e5-8533-28d2444cbe8c)": rbd: failed to modprobe rbd error:exit status 1
  7m        7s      33  {kubelet}         Warning     FailedSync  Error syncing pod, skipping: rbd: failed to modprobe rbd error:exit status 1

In the kubelet docker log, I can see the following trace, repeated multiple times.

I0406 16:44:56.885150    8236 rbd.go:89] ceph secret info: key/AQCyJQVXJV4gERAA1q7y4Wi6MiuO8UahSQoIrg==
I0406 16:44:56.887715    8236 nsenter_mount.go:179] Failed findmnt command: exit status 1
E0406 16:44:57.889282    8236 disk_manager.go:56] failed to attach disk
E0406 16:44:57.889295    8236 rbd.go:208] rbd: failed to setup
E0406 16:44:57.889334    8236 kubelet.go:1780] Unable to mount volumes for pod "rbd2_default(fa59e744-fc15-11e5-8533-28d2444cbe8c)": rbd: failed to modprobe rbd error:exit status 1; skipping pod
E0406 16:44:57.889340    8236 pod_workers.go:138] Error syncing pod fa59e744-fc15-11e5-8533-28d2444cbe8c, skipping: rbd: failed to modprobe rbd error:exit status 1
I0406 16:44:58.884709    8236 nsenter_mount.go:179] Failed findmnt command: exit status 1

As I understand the above logs, the kubelet container is trying to run something like modprobe rbd inside itself (or somewhere else?) and that fails; I noticed that there is no modprobe command inside the kubelet container (image: so I manually ran apt-get update && apt-get install kmod to make that command appear inside the container, but without success).

My files look like this:

# secret/ceph-secret.yaml 
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: ceph-secret
  key: QVFDeUpRVlhKVjRnRVJBQTFxN3k0V2k2TWl1TzhVYWhTUW9Jcmc9PQo=
# rbd-pod.yaml 
apiVersion: "v1"
kind: "Pod"
  name: "rbd2"
    - name: "rbd-rw"
      image: "nginx"
        - mountPath: "/var/www/html"
          name: "rbdpd"
    - name: "rbdpd"
          - ""
        pool: "rbd"
        image: "foo"
        user: "admin"
          name: "ceph-secret"
        fsType: "ext4"
        keyring: "/etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring"
        readOnly: true

I have checked that is reachable from the kubernetes cluster (because of using --net=host when booting the kubelet container).

How can I mount RBD volumes inside container as of kubernetes 1.2.1?

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maclof commented Apr 6, 2016

@jperville have you tried apt-get installing the ceph-common package?

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Hi @maclof ,

I have installed the ceph-common package from, in version 0.94 hammer because the documentation recommends version >= 0.87 and Ubuntu 14.04 only packages version 0.80 out of the box.

I successfully ran sudo ceph -s to make sure that tge ceph demo cluster is working.

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I have created the rbd volume from the host with no problem so I think that the ceph-common package on host is compatible with the ceph inside the ceph/demo image.

@saad-ali saad-ali added sig/storage Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Storage. team/cluster labels Apr 7, 2016
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saad-ali commented Apr 7, 2016

CC @rootfs @kubernetes/rh-storage

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rootfs commented Apr 7, 2016

modprobe rbd failure is the problem. What kubelet container image you are using? can you install modprobe in your image?

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Hi @rootfs, as explained above I am using as kubelet image and there was no modprobe installed inside so I manually ran apt-get update && apt-get install kmod but still same error hence this issue.

I'm not sure if /sbin is in the path so I will try symlinking in a few hours when I wake up.

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After installing the kmod package in the container, /sbin/modprobe is available, however there is no /lib/modules in the container so invoking modprobe rbd from the kubelet container failed; I worked around the problem by ln -s /rootfs/lib/modules /lib/modules.

The container creation is now stuck at another step.

Unable to mount volumes for pod "rbd2_default(199392ab-fc91-11e5-8533-28d2444cbe8c)": rbd: map failed executable file not found in $PATH 

This time it is the 'rbd' executable missing. After redeploying the kubelet container with --volume=/sbin/modprobe:/sbin/modprobe:ro --volume=/lib/modules:/lib/modules:ro --volume=/etc/ceph:/etc/ceph:rw added to the docker run command-line, and reinstalling ceph-common inside the kubelet container, the progress is now stuck at:

E0407 07:54:12.034478   22122 kubelet.go:1780] Unable to mount volumes for pod "rbd2_default(e3f1e923-fc95-11e5-9dcb-28d2444cbe8c)": Could not map image: Timeout after 10s; skipping pod
E0407 07:54:12.034485   22122 pod_workers.go:138] Error syncing pod e3f1e923-fc95-11e5-9dcb-28d2444cbe8c, skipping: Could not map image: Timeout after 10s
I0407 07:54:26.592172   22122 rbd.go:89] ceph secret info: key/AQCyJQVXJV4gERAA1q7y4Wi6MiuO8UahSQoIrg==
I0407 07:54:26.594563   22122 nsenter_mount.go:179] Failed findmnt command: exit status 1
I0407 07:54:27.597245   22122 rbd_util.go:229] rbd: map mon
I0407 07:54:30.593309   22122 nsenter_mount.go:179] Failed findmnt command: exit status 1

Every 25 seconds or so the 'foo' rbd device is mapped again (eg. /dev/rbd0 is mapped, then /dev/rbd1, then /dev/rbd2 etc) and every time the kubelet container logs the time out.

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I finally made it work by applying several hacks:

  1. running the kubelet container with --volume=/sbin/modprobe:/sbin/modprobe:ro --volume=/lib/modules:/lib/modules:ro --volume=/etc/ceph:/etc/ceph:rw
  2. installing ceph-common manually in the kubelet container : curl | apt-key add - && echo deb jessie main | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ceph.list && apt-get update && apt-get install -y ceph-common
  3. pre-creating some symlinks so that /dev/rbdX redirects to /rootfs/dev/rbdX : for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ; do ln -s /rootfs/dev/rbd${i} /dev/rbd${i} ; done

Workaround 3 is necessary because the getDevFromImageAndPool helper returns a device path such as /dev/rdb0, where the actual device path (as seen from the kubelet container) is /rootfs/dev/rdb0.

I traced the algorithm of the getDevFromImageAndPool helper using the shell in the kubelet container:

# cd /sys/bus/rbd/devices/
/sys/bus/rbd/devices# ls
/sys/bus/rbd/devices# name=0
/sys/bus/rbd/devices# cd ${name}
/sys/bus/rbd/devices/0# cat pool name 
/sys/bus/rbd/devices/0# devicePath="/dev/rdb${name}" # pool 'rbd' and image 'foo' match
/sys/bus/rbd/devices/0# echo ${devicePath}

For the moment I will prepare a custom hyperkube image with my workarounds but this is hackish.

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rootfs commented Apr 7, 2016

Nice hack to get it running. For step 3, what if you bind mount host /dev (i.e. -v /dev:/dev) or there is an issue with that?

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If i bind-mount /dev on the host to /dev on the kubelet container, the kubelet container will mess up with the pts on my host, resulting in being unable to start new terminals (gnome-terminal will fail with the "getpt failed" message) and making impossible to properly shutdown my workstations.

EDIT: after checking the issue tracker, the breakage resulting from bind-mounting /dev from host into the kubelet container is documented in #18230.

What I finally did was to wrap the hyperkube image like this:

# apply hacks from
# so that pods that use rbd persistent resources work in the single-node docker setup.
# Build with the following command: `docker build -t custom/hyperkube-amd64:v1.2.1 .`


RUN curl | apt-key add - && \
    echo deb jessie main | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ceph.list && \
    apt-get update && \
    DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -q -y ceph-common && \
    apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*

And then run the kubelet container like this:

    docker run \
      --volume=/:/rootfs:ro \
      --volume=/sys:/sys:rw \                                               # necessary to do mount from container
      --volume=/var/lib/docker/:/var/lib/docker:rw \
      --volume=/var/lib/kubelet/:/var/lib/kubelet:rw \
      --volume=/var/run:/var/run:rw \
      --volume=/sbin/modprobe:/sbin/modprobe:ro \          # to skip having to install in container
      --volume=/lib/modules:/lib/modules:ro \                     # to make `modprobe rbd` work
      --volume=/etc/ceph:/etc/ceph:ro \                             # to copy ceph config from host
      --volume=/dev/rbd0:/rootfs/dev/rbd0:ro \                  # workaround for point 3 above
      --net=host \
      --pid=host \
      --privileged=true \
      --name=kubelet \
      -d \
      custom/hyperkube-amd64:v${K8S_VERSION} \        # image with ceph-common vendored-in
      /hyperkube kubelet \
      --containerized \
      --hostname-override="" \
      --address="" \
      --api-servers=http://localhost:8080 \
      --config=/etc/kubernetes/manifests \
      --cluster-dns= \
      --cluster-domain=cluster.local \
      --allow-privileged=true --v=2

Then I can use rbd persistent volumes from my dockerized kubernetes setup.

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rootfs commented Apr 7, 2016

I hope that ptmx bug is fixed.

Is binding /dev/rbd0 working if no rbd device is there or rbd device is created after container is up?

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pmorie commented Apr 7, 2016

@jperville what docker version are you using?

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@pmorie : Using docker version 1.9.1 (cannot use 1.10 because of layer format changes that are incompatible with a tool we are using).

@rootfs : ptmx bug still here (but there is a workaround); regarding /dev/rbd0 you are right, it works if the device already exists on the host but not if there is no device yet (docker creates an empty directory on the node, and that makes the mount fail later). Have to find another hack (maybe wrap the CMD to create some symlinks before booting containerized kubelet).

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pmorie commented Apr 7, 2016

@jperville Ok, the issue w/ pseudoterminals is supposed to be resolved in 1.10

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rootfs commented Apr 7, 2016

@jperville moby/moby#16639

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I ended up adding a wrapper into my custom hyperkube image for now.

Would adding some code to the getDevFromImageAndPool helper to understand the --containerized option (passed to kubelet) help to calculate a working path (have no go knowledge sadly).

@matchstick matchstick added the priority/important-soon Must be staffed and worked on either currently, or very soon, ideally in time for the next release. label Aug 12, 2016
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rootfs commented Aug 29, 2016

@jperville In containerized openshift, the node (kubelet) bind mount /sys. rbd map works in this environment.

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kokhang commented Feb 22, 2017

Hi guys, I am also having this issue, which i can work around by adding args to kubelet to mount /sbin/modprobe and /lib/modules. Is there any plan to fix this so that we dont have to manually feed this workaround to kubelet?

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rootfs commented Feb 22, 2017

@kokhang which kubelet distribution you are using?

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kokhang commented Feb 22, 2017

@rootfs Im using the kubelet that comes with coreos 4.7.3

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rootfs commented Feb 22, 2017

I am not quite familiar with that setup. Do do use docker or rkt? Can you post docker inspect your_kubelet_container?

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kokhang commented Feb 27, 2017

Taking this conversation with rootfs offline. But im still curious if there are any plans of making these modules enabled by default for RBD block storage

localghost pushed a commit to localghost/rancher-catalog that referenced this issue Mar 17, 2017
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yangyuw commented Apr 13, 2017

@jperville I still got stuck in Could not map image: Timeout after 10s; skipping after using your final solution,could you tell me how to solve this problem?

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marct83 commented Aug 2, 2017

Also dealing with "Could not map image: Timeout after 10s". Is there a solution?

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